Following is the friendship network of Dobro's company. In the following friendship network nodes represents employees and edges represent friendship relations within the employees accross the department.. The friendship network can be identified by frequency of emails, phone calls or by asking individual employee. The friendship network tells us that instead to convincing every individual in the organization we do identify very fewer 'highly centric' individuals that could be potential 'message' or 'information' carriers. These 'highly centric' individuals are circled in the following figure.
These 'highly centric' individuals are the potential carriers of knowledge in the organization, these individuals spread and diffuse information throughout the organization very quickly across the departments and in any formal hierarchy. The 'quad' of these highly centric individuals has been noted as the most important interaction sub network within the organization. This quad can play either positive or negative role in an organization depending upon their attitude. One can exploit this network to spread whatever you want in the organization, otherwise, they will exploit their contacts in other way round.
We can quantify the flow of information through these individuals over the network. Several social network analysis tools exists to study spread of information, importance of individuals, importance of sub networks and others. I will discuss it soon.
see u again
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